One quick blog entry about sapply and numpy:
Usually, sapply is equal to list comprehensions in Python.
i.e. [f(x) for x in range(1, 10)] is sapply(1:10, f).
But: When you want to apply a function (mapping a number to a vector!) to a vector, you get a matrix. R's sapply does raise the rank of the output to two, while in Numpy you have to push the vector to a higher rank via the magical vector[:, np.newaxis].
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: def f(x):
...: return np.array([4,2,3,9.1,-1]) * x
In [3]: f(9)
Out[3]: array([ 36. , 18. , 27. , 81.9, -9. ])
In [4]: vals = np.linspace(-1,1,20)
In [5]: np.apply_along_axis(f, 1, vals[:, np.newaxis])
array([[-4. , -2. , -3. , -9.1 , 1. ],
[-3.57894737, -1.78947368, -2.68421053, -8.14210526, 0.89473684],
[-3.15789474, -1.57894737, -2.36842105, -7.18421053, 0.78947368],
[-2.73684211, -1.36842105, -2.05263158, -6.22631579, 0.68421053],
[-2.31578947, -1.15789474, -1.73684211, -5.26842105, 0.57894737],
[-1.89473684, -0.94736842, -1.42105263, -4.31052632, 0.47368421],
[-1.47368421, -0.73684211, -1.10526316, -3.35263158, 0.36842105],
[-1.05263158, -0.52631579, -0.78947368, -2.39473684, 0.26315789],
[-0.63157895, -0.31578947, -0.47368421, -1.43684211, 0.15789474],
[-0.21052632, -0.10526316, -0.15789474, -0.47894737, 0.05263158],
[ 0.21052632, 0.10526316, 0.15789474, 0.47894737, -0.05263158],
[ 0.63157895, 0.31578947, 0.47368421, 1.43684211, -0.15789474],
[ 1.05263158, 0.52631579, 0.78947368, 2.39473684, -0.26315789],
[ 1.47368421, 0.73684211, 1.10526316, 3.35263158, -0.36842105],
[ 1.89473684, 0.94736842, 1.42105263, 4.31052632, -0.47368421],
[ 2.31578947, 1.15789474, 1.73684211, 5.26842105, -0.57894737],
[ 2.73684211, 1.36842105, 2.05263158, 6.22631579, -0.68421053],
[ 3.15789474, 1.57894737, 2.36842105, 7.18421053, -0.78947368],
[ 3.57894737, 1.78947368, 2.68421053, 8.14210526, -0.89473684],
[ 4. , 2. , 3. , 9.1 , -1. ]])
It also works happily for an additional argument weights, which will be defined in the variable w.
In [6]: def f(x, weights):
return weights * x
In [7]: w = np.array([-2,-1,5,1.1])
In [8]: np.apply_along_axis(f, 1, vals[:, np.newaxis], w)
array([[ 2. , 1. , -5. , -1.1 ],
[ 1.78947368, 0.89473684, -4.47368421, -0.98421053],
[ 1.57894737, 0.78947368, -3.94736842, -0.86842105],
[ 1.36842105, 0.68421053, -3.42105263, -0.75263158],
[ 1.15789474, 0.57894737, -2.89473684, -0.63684211],
[ 0.94736842, 0.47368421, -2.36842105, -0.52105263],
[ 0.73684211, 0.36842105, -1.84210526, -0.40526316],
[ 0.52631579, 0.26315789, -1.31578947, -0.28947368],
[ 0.31578947, 0.15789474, -0.78947368, -0.17368421],
[ 0.10526316, 0.05263158, -0.26315789, -0.05789474],
[-0.10526316, -0.05263158, 0.26315789, 0.05789474],
[-0.31578947, -0.15789474, 0.78947368, 0.17368421],
[-0.52631579, -0.26315789, 1.31578947, 0.28947368],
[-0.73684211, -0.36842105, 1.84210526, 0.40526316],
[-0.94736842, -0.47368421, 2.36842105, 0.52105263],
[-1.15789474, -0.57894737, 2.89473684, 0.63684211],
[-1.36842105, -0.68421053, 3.42105263, 0.75263158],
[-1.57894737, -0.78947368, 3.94736842, 0.86842105],
[-1.78947368, -0.89473684, 4.47368421, 0.98421053],
[-2. , -1. , 5. , 1.1 ]])
Usually, sapply is equal to list comprehensions in Python.
i.e. [f(x) for x in range(1, 10)] is sapply(1:10, f).
But: When you want to apply a function (mapping a number to a vector!) to a vector, you get a matrix. R's sapply does raise the rank of the output to two, while in Numpy you have to push the vector to a higher rank via the magical vector[:, np.newaxis].
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: def f(x):
...: return np.array([4,2,3,9.1,-1]) * x
In [3]: f(9)
Out[3]: array([ 36. , 18. , 27. , 81.9, -9. ])
In [4]: vals = np.linspace(-1,1,20)
In [5]: np.apply_along_axis(f, 1, vals[:, np.newaxis])
array([[-4. , -2. , -3. , -9.1 , 1. ],
[-3.57894737, -1.78947368, -2.68421053, -8.14210526, 0.89473684],
[-3.15789474, -1.57894737, -2.36842105, -7.18421053, 0.78947368],
[-2.73684211, -1.36842105, -2.05263158, -6.22631579, 0.68421053],
[-2.31578947, -1.15789474, -1.73684211, -5.26842105, 0.57894737],
[-1.89473684, -0.94736842, -1.42105263, -4.31052632, 0.47368421],
[-1.47368421, -0.73684211, -1.10526316, -3.35263158, 0.36842105],
[-1.05263158, -0.52631579, -0.78947368, -2.39473684, 0.26315789],
[-0.63157895, -0.31578947, -0.47368421, -1.43684211, 0.15789474],
[-0.21052632, -0.10526316, -0.15789474, -0.47894737, 0.05263158],
[ 0.21052632, 0.10526316, 0.15789474, 0.47894737, -0.05263158],
[ 0.63157895, 0.31578947, 0.47368421, 1.43684211, -0.15789474],
[ 1.05263158, 0.52631579, 0.78947368, 2.39473684, -0.26315789],
[ 1.47368421, 0.73684211, 1.10526316, 3.35263158, -0.36842105],
[ 1.89473684, 0.94736842, 1.42105263, 4.31052632, -0.47368421],
[ 2.31578947, 1.15789474, 1.73684211, 5.26842105, -0.57894737],
[ 2.73684211, 1.36842105, 2.05263158, 6.22631579, -0.68421053],
[ 3.15789474, 1.57894737, 2.36842105, 7.18421053, -0.78947368],
[ 3.57894737, 1.78947368, 2.68421053, 8.14210526, -0.89473684],
[ 4. , 2. , 3. , 9.1 , -1. ]])
It also works happily for an additional argument weights, which will be defined in the variable w.
In [6]: def f(x, weights):
return weights * x
In [7]: w = np.array([-2,-1,5,1.1])
In [8]: np.apply_along_axis(f, 1, vals[:, np.newaxis], w)
array([[ 2. , 1. , -5. , -1.1 ],
[ 1.78947368, 0.89473684, -4.47368421, -0.98421053],
[ 1.57894737, 0.78947368, -3.94736842, -0.86842105],
[ 1.36842105, 0.68421053, -3.42105263, -0.75263158],
[ 1.15789474, 0.57894737, -2.89473684, -0.63684211],
[ 0.94736842, 0.47368421, -2.36842105, -0.52105263],
[ 0.73684211, 0.36842105, -1.84210526, -0.40526316],
[ 0.52631579, 0.26315789, -1.31578947, -0.28947368],
[ 0.31578947, 0.15789474, -0.78947368, -0.17368421],
[ 0.10526316, 0.05263158, -0.26315789, -0.05789474],
[-0.10526316, -0.05263158, 0.26315789, 0.05789474],
[-0.31578947, -0.15789474, 0.78947368, 0.17368421],
[-0.52631579, -0.26315789, 1.31578947, 0.28947368],
[-0.73684211, -0.36842105, 1.84210526, 0.40526316],
[-0.94736842, -0.47368421, 2.36842105, 0.52105263],
[-1.15789474, -0.57894737, 2.89473684, 0.63684211],
[-1.36842105, -0.68421053, 3.42105263, 0.75263158],
[-1.57894737, -0.78947368, 3.94736842, 0.86842105],
[-1.78947368, -0.89473684, 4.47368421, 0.98421053],
[-2. , -1. , 5. , 1.1 ]])
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